“Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that treats children, either to prevent possible damage to the jaws or to treat damaged teeth, and cavities in baby teeth. By doing this we prevent children from eventually developing more complex problems that we can solve now much more easily.”

In order to treat children in an appropriate way it is necessary to understand that each age involves different characteristics. This is not only in dental issues, but also psychological; something that requires adequate training and response on our part.
Pediatric dentistry is a specialty closely linked with orthodontics, as it regulates correct jaw growth and tooth development from an early age.
In Clinica Caballero-Friedländer we use neuro-occlusal rehabilitation to achieve optimal occlusal balance in chewing from an early age through to adolescence. The neuro-occlusal rehabilitation seeks to achieve a chewing mouth which works both sides without having to think and with chewing forces supported by all the teeth. If this balance does not exist, there may be problems with the teeth, gums and joints (e.g. bleeding, mobility, tooth loss).