“We recommend that the child’s first visit to the dentist takes place between 3-4 years. Although it may not be necessary to have to perform any medical procedures, the child will become used to going to the dentist which favors the child’s psychological development and helps in the prevention of fears and phobias in the future.”

When to take the child for his first evaluation?
We recommend that the child’s first visit to the dentist takes place between 3-4 years. Although it may not be necessary to have to perform any medical procedures, the child will become used to going to the dentist which favors the child’s psychological development and helps in the prevention of fears and phobias in the future.
During the first visit, proper growth of all the bones of the masticatory system containing the teeth and face are evaluated. We make sure there is a harmonious growth in line with the child’s age. If all is well, 2 visits per year are recommended to check the correct development and growth of all permanent teeth to complete dental eruption and reach adult dentition.
Troubleshooting guide that may indicate need for treatment in children
- When there is not enough room for all the teeth.
- When the teeth come ‘crooked’.
- When you close your mouth upper teeth are inside of the lower (crossbite).
- When there is no overlap of anterior teeth (those above have to cover the bottom).
- When milk teeth fall out and the adult teeth do not appear in time (more than 6 months).
- The child does not close tightly the lips (‘He is always open-mouthed’, ‘sleep with your mouth open “).