“A large proportion of adults have dental malocclusion (incorrect bite) and crooked teeth to a greater or lesser degree. Over the years malocclusions tend to worsen until irreversible damage is caused and finally result in the loss of some teeth.”

Adult orthodontics
Adults are a challenge for treatments because:
- There is no longer any bone growth.
- Usually have gum disease and other problems with the teeth.
- Adult do not get used to the apparatus so easily.
- Adult do not want the equipment to be seen or change their lifestyle because of the devices.
In Clinica Caballero Friedländer we know all about these limitations and we strive to provides solutions to all of them all.
Orthodontics has NO age limit. With proper oral health the body responds to the forces applied by the apparatus and the teeth move at all ages.
A large proportion of adults have dental malocclusion (incorrect bite) and crooked teeth to a greater or lesser degree. Over the years malocclusions tend to worsen until irreversible damage is caused and finally result in the loss of some teeth.
In our clinic we have approximately 60% adult patients who have chosen treatments for different reasons. There are many studies showing that poor smile aesthetics and crooked teeth can cause damage to self-esteem and result in adults smiling less. Adults with more aesthetic smiles leave the best impressions at job interviews and when they work with the public. It is a well known fact that the first impression affects human relationships and that the mouth and teeth play an important role in facial appearance.
Part of the ageing face is dental appearance. Looking young and healthy is usually considered more attractive. Orthodontics rejuvenates the face and gives a more healthy and youthful appearance.
Today there are several systems of invisible braces designed for adult patient treatment which do not imply a change in lifestyle or having a negative psychological complex with one’s appearance during treatment.
Systems used by Dr. Friedlander such as incognito ® Invisible lingual braces, Invisalign ®, and other systems of lingual orthodontics (braces on the inside of the mouth) allow outstanding results in little time and without being visible.
Orthodontics in adults can give you an attractive smile and a correctly functioning mouth, in harmony with face and teeth alignment. Proper alignment can help to maintain good daily oral hygiene. This is accomplished in just over a year in most cases.